Traveling on a budget in Kyoto? A thorough explanation of recommended methods by a Japanese who has lived in Kyoto for over 6 years!


Beautiful city, Kyoto.

Beautiful scenery and cuisine surrounded by mountains. And there are plenty of ways to enjoy this historic city even if you don’t have a lot of money.

From here, I will explain how to travel on a budget, as I have lived in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture for over 6 years!

Go to Kamogawa

Speaking of Kyoto, you can’t miss this place.

You can have a happy time just by buying a delicious Japanese beer at a convenience store and staring at the beautiful river.

▼Location information

鴨川デルタ · 〒606-0801 京都府京都市左京区下鴨宮河町
★★★★★ · 文化的ランドマーク

Go to Nanzenji

Nanzenji Temple is a place where you can feel the history of Buddhism.

Surprisingly, walking around the grounds is free! ! !

Take a break at the nearby Blue Bottle Coffee and then take a walk around the grounds!

You can take wonderful photos at the water gate located at the back of the temple grounds!

▼Location information

南禅寺 · 〒606-8435 京都府京都市左京区南禅寺福地町86
★★★★★ · 仏教寺院

cheap and deliciouseat gourmet

From here, we will introduce some of the most recommended gourmet foods that you can eat at low prices!

Duck soup and soy sauce ramen (70$)

Cheap, fast, delicious.Wonderful food, it’s called “dashi ramen”.

▼Location information

麺匠 一粒万倍 寺町店 · 〒600-8031 京都府京都市下京区貞安前之町586 寺町綾小路ビル 1階
★★★★☆ · ラーメン屋

Sake bar (140-200$)

You can drink Japanese sake beer for an unbelievable price of less than 5$.

▼Location information

サケホール益や · 〒604-8146 京都府京都市中京区一蓮社町298番地2
★★★★☆ · 居酒屋

Convenience store (??$)

Everything is cheap.

If you’re in trouble, buy something at a convenience store and eat and drink.

Hot snacks are delicious.